Tuesday, April 28, 2015

NutriSari W'dank Bajigur

Bajigur is a signature drink of Indonesia, specifically from West Java. Bajigur is a mixed of coconut milk, coffee, palm sugar, vanilla, salt, granulated sugar, and topped with grated coconut. It is usually served in cold weather or when the temperatures are decreasing.

A glass of hot bajigur is usually sold at street vendors. It is perfect when you drink it accompanied by some Indonesian snacks such as onde-onde, putu, klepon, lupis, and so on. Now, bajigur is available in sachets! Which means that we can drink it anywhere and anytime when we need it! Good news for you who are on diet, NutriSari W'dank Bajigur is less sugar compared to the others! It tastes delicious though it is a less sugar drink!

I feel so lucky when NutriSari produced bajigur. First, traditional drinks rarely found in sachets. We often have to find street vendors first. But now, we can easily make it at home! Directly or not, NutriSari has been contributed in conserving Indonesian tradition. And it is a very good drink to be served when the whole family gathered at home!

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